Innovative, ECO friendly lightweight microcellular open-cell material. Designed to absorb chemical and Hydrocarbon material up to 20 times its weight. Depending on oil viscosity
Erosion booms to let water flow but catch debrisfrom under-mining soil and other.
Erosion booms with new and recycled pads stuffed into strong durable socks. Great for street drains or ditches and runoffs.
Cleanable and re-usable to save on costs and trap contaminants that would otherwise end up in the water table.
Works everywhere and absorbs Oil, fuel or
Solvents. Oil can be extracted from the Spill-Matt and be recovered, keeping Toxic Spills out of Land-Fills and our Natural Environment.
Reuse, Reduce, Repeat for cost savings and Squeeze oil out and use again and again.
Re-Usable 100+ Times Made from Non-Flammable material Oil spill Recovery on Water or Solid Surfaces
Floats on the water Reduces Pick up Time and labor Costs starts to work on contact with your spill.
Anti-Microbial Resistance Resistant to Fungus/Mold/ Mildew Growth
Manufactured as Pads or Boom Systems
Once the spill has been absorbed the oil can be extracted for re-use and re-used for more absorption.
Constantly looking to better improve the environment by using products that don’t harm the environment in production.